PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a multi-tiered framework for establishing systems, interventions and best practices around social-emotional and behavioral needs that enhances schools’ capacity to maximize outcomes for all students. This framework establishes common language and explicit expectations to help promote a positive school culture at Clover Ridge.

Clover Ridge PBIS guiding beliefs:

  • Behavior is a form of communication.

  • Schools set students up for success by teaching and modeling expected behaviors, with opportunities for students to practice behavior and get feedback.  

  • Each student is unique and valued thus, relationships are essential in creating a safe and positive school environment.

  • Appropriately collecting student behavior data (both desired and undesired) helps guide decisions and practices for individual students and the school as a whole.

  • School staff members are consistent in how they encourage expected behavior and discourage undesired behavior while always putting students’ individuality first.

Individual Acknowledgements: Catch a Clovers are awarded to students who are "caught" demonstrating one or more of our core values. Students come down to the office to share their good news with the office staff when they receive one. They will be allowed to stamp their hand with a Clover Pride stamp to share the good news at home. Each week, a drawing will occur to continue to acknowledge the students positive behavior choices. Students may also receive Catch a Clovers that will be used for drawings or prizes in their classrooms. At the end of the week, the teachers will deliver the Catch a Clovers to be counted and added the display case in the hallway. Students will also be allowed to trade in a Catch a Clover for a book from the swap shelf in the library if they choose. At the end of the week, the librarian will bring the Catch a Clovers to the office to be counted and added to the display case.

Classroom/Cluster Acknowledgements: Each class has the opportunity to receive a Catch a Classroom. This recognition is given when the entire class is showing Clover PRIDE. The Catch a Classroom is then presented in the homeroom class and a clover is added to the display case with the homeroom teacher’s name on it. Pride Points is a system to acknowledge grade levels making positive choices during lunch and recess. Each grade level is trying to complete their clover. They earn a clover piece each time when students follow the Clover PRIDE expectations at lunch and recess. Once they do, the cluster is awarded with 10-15 minutes of free choice time by their homeroom teacher.

School-wide Acknowledgements: As a school, the Catch a Clovers will be counted and collect to work towards a school-wide celebration of positive behaviors. The student council will help select the acknowledgement. Then the school will celebrate all the students following Clover PRIDE.

Stop and Thinks: Stop and Think tickets are written reminders to students and parents that a poor choice was made at school. They are a learning experience to assist the student in making positive behavior choices that follow Clover PRIDE. There is a step system that staff will follow to allow students with the most opportunities to make corrections themselves.

  • Step 0: Behavior is redirected and expectations retaught.
  • Step 1: Unacceptable behavior continues, the student completes a Stop and Think ticket. (Many teachers turn the ticket over as a visual reminder for students to correct behaviors.)
  • Step 2: Unacceptable behavior continues, the student will be moved to a different location in the classroom.
  • Step 3: Repeated behaviors, the student will be sent to the office to meet with an administrator with an Office Discipline Referral. The Stop and Think tickets have two parts. One part is for the classroom teacher to collect. For every five Stop and Thinks a student acquires within a trimester, a phone call home will be made. The second part is sent home for the parents to be aware of the behavior choices being made.

Office Discipline Referrals: Office Discipline Referrals are given to students who need more time to refocus and discuss behavior choices with an office member. The student will have the expectations explained again for positive behavior. Parents will be notified when an ODR occurs